Chavi is a Senior Associate with fouryears’ experience in forensic accounting and auditing, and three years ofinternship in internal audit. Her experience covers investigations,asset-tracing, transaction audits for insolvency and bankruptcy, compliancereviews, and fraud risk assessments.
Chavi has supported clients in a varietyof industries, including EPC, oil trading, healthcare, NPO, logistics and more.Her client portfolio spans multiple countries in North Africa, Middle East,Europe, UK and Asia.
Chavi’s representative experience includesassisting with restricted asset tracing for a not-for-profit organization inTunisia, anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance reviews in India for asteel trading and a solar power generating company. Chavi has also assistedwith multiple internal investigations and fraud risk assessment compliancereviews. At FRA, she has assisted in a cash and asset tracing investigation ina high-profile matter. Additionalrecent experience includes ABC compliance reviews for a publicly traded medicaldevice company and a Swiss oil trading firm.
Prior to joining FRA, Chavi worked forPwC’s and Grant Thornton’s forensics practices and EY’s internal / SOX auditservice in India.
Chavi is a qualified accountant and amember of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. She has a Bachelor’sDegree in Commerce from Delhi University.