Bribery and Corruption
Independent and multi-disciplinary advice for organisations and external counsel on governance, enforcement actions and regulatory compliance.
Anti-bribery and corruption (ABAC) regulations have become increasingly complex in recent years, as international best practices evolve to keep pace with the changing landscape of cross-border coordination and cooperation between regulatory authorities. Though there are commonalities between regimes in different jurisdictions, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), UK Bribery Act (UKBA) and Sapin II, there are also important nuances. These can have a critical impact on businesses to help mitigate their risks.
Whether entering a new market, enhancing compliance programmes or responding to regulatory action, we understand the challenges companies face. FRA's independent, integrated and tailored advice, built on decades of bribery and corruption experience, has helped hundreds of companies across the globe. Our highly skilled team draws on this expertise to advise our clients and their legal teams on mitigating inherent risks while still delivering the highest quality services to their clients.
How we can help
Independent investigation support
We provide independent and robust response to serious allegations of internal and external misconduct including for whistleblower reports. Our extensive specialist experience helps clients navigate, and respond effectively and thoroughly to, regulatory subpoenas, informal requests, and investigations. We support external lawyers or internal teams in performing robust investigations, which stand up to the scrutiny of authorities around the world.
Risk assessment and mitigation
Whether targeted, holistic, or global, risk assessments are critical tools in identifying and helping to mitigate bribery and corruption risks. We have developed a bespoke compliance program framework, mapped against all leading international benchmarks and independently verified, to support the design or improvement of compliance programs.
Market-leading compliance monitorships support
FRA’s extensive experience enables us to support either the monitor or the company undergoing monitorship with the full range of forensic accounting skills and compliance expertise needed to demonstrate regulatory compliance.
Insights from Data & Technology
We use best-in-class technologies and specialists to provide early insights, navigate complex jurisdictional challenges and integrate seamlessly with our project teams.
Internal Investigations
Helping international businesses navigate risks and emerge stronger from complex internal investigations.
More infoRegulatory Investigations
Helping international companies respond quickly and effectively to regulatory investigations.
More infoGovernance, Risk Management and Compliance Enhancement
Leaders in applying a forensic mindset to developing and enhancing corporate compliance programs.
More infoIndependent Monitor and Consultant
Exceptional, market-leading and trusted experts ensuring effective, proportionate and sustainable remediation.
More infoDisputes
Multi-disciplinary expertise helping to anticipate and resolve a range of disputes.
More infoComplex Data Solutions
Solving your most challenging problems by integrating our extensive experience with advanced technology and bespoke solutions.
More infoRisk Assessments
Bespoke approach to evaluating a company’s key risks supporting a focused, proportionate and efficient action plan.
More infoMonitor Support
Experienced collaborators with first-hand knowledge of how specialist forensic skills can best support the monitor’s role.
More infoControls Testing, Enhancement, and Implementation
Customized, rigorous testing to achieve internal controls effectiveness at the highest standards.
More infoAsset Tracing and Fund Flow Analysis
Experts in tracing misappropriated funds and identifying assets, helping to bolster legal positions and investigative strategy.
More infoInvestigations
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Lacus susp en disse fau cibus inte rdum pos uere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adi piscing
Button TextIntegrated Data & Technology
We use best-in-class technologies and specialists to provide early insights, navigate complex jurisdictional challenges and integrate seamlessly with our project teams.
Integrated Data & Technology
We use best-in-class technologies and specialists to provide early insights, navigate complex jurisdictional challenges and integrate seamlessly with our project teams.