Monitor Support
Experienced collaborators with first-hand knowledge of how specialist forensic skills can best support the monitor’s role.
A monitor’s mandate can include business areas and overseas operations that call for specialist skills adjacent to their expertise. Appointed compliance monitors may choose to supplement their industry or subject matter expertise with specialist forensic support in accounting, finance, internal controls, operating across borders, or handing complex data and technology.
Having been involved with monitorships in various capacities, we can efficiently tailor our support to best complement the monitor in fulfilling their mandate.
How we can help
Experienced collaborators
Lawyers and independent consultants have regularly engaged FRA to support them in their mandates, especially in accounting and finance matters, the review of internal controls, and navigating complex data environments. Whatever the scope of forensic support needed, we will take an open and collaborative approach to working with the monitor team.
Similar to the services we provide when engaged directly by companies under monitorship, we can offer a monitor assistance with:
- triaging a company’s controls landscape;
- performing independent baseline risk and compliance program assessments;
- understanding a company’s systems and monitoring capabilities;
- identifying, collecting and managing relevant data in a compliant manner (including across jurisdictions);
- developing action plans to address critical issues;
- design and deliver training with a view to post-monitorship sustainability of the new program; and
- communication with stakeholders and project management.
Understanding regulators’ expectations
Our experts know first-hand the requirements of the monitor role, the standards of independence and rigor expected, as well as the practical demands of acting between the regulator and company. Unlike larger network accounting firms, we do not offer audit services, and therefore have few conflicts of interest when being considered for monitorship work.
Specialist forensic expertise
A monitor may also call upon FRA to assess specific areas of the company’s operations. We are leaders in designing, benchmarking, testing and implementing risk assessments. Specifically, internal audit, investigations, compliance monitoring and accounting functions fall within our core areas of expertise for assessment and improvement.
FRA has been trusted to integrate compliance risk assessment with technical regulatory risk assessments where the company is subject to sector-specific regulation such as environmental regulations. For monitors appointed to oversee such cases where regulatory risk is inherently linked to the compliance remediation needed, our experts’ ability to integrate these factors with corporate compliance considerations may allow for a more comprehensive monitorship outcome.
Risk Assessments
Bespoke approach to evaluating a company’s key risks supporting a focused, proportionate and efficient action plan.
More infoControls Testing, Enhancement, and Implementation
Customized, rigorous testing to achieve internal controls effectiveness at the highest standards.
More infoGovernance, Risk Management and Compliance Enhancement
Leaders in applying a forensic mindset to developing and enhancing corporate compliance programs.
More infoMonitorships
Experienced monitors and trusted partners throughout all stages of a corporate compliance monitorship.
More infoIndependent Monitor and Consultant
Exceptional, market-leading and trusted experts ensuring effective, proportionate and sustainable remediation.
More infoCompany Monitor Support
Trusted advisers with first-hand experience of successfully navigating companies through monitorships.
More infoBribery and Corruption
Independent and multi-disciplinary advice for organisations and external counsel on governance, enforcement actions and regulatory compliance.
More infoFraud
Investigating, resolving and minimizing the risk of corporate fraud with forensic insight and data-driven solutions.
More infoAnti-Money Laundering & Sanctions
Multi-disciplinary advice for financial institutions and corporations on internal investigations, enforcement actions and regulatory compliance.
More info
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Data and Technology
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Integrated Data & Technology
We employ data analytics in monitorships to provide rigorous and tailored testing of existing and newly implemented controls to assess their effectiveness with the ultimate goal being to provide recommendations and practical solutions to align governance and internal controls.
Monitorships of multinational companies also commonly involve identifying, collecting and transferring data across borders, creating the added complexity of handling large volumes of data in a manner compliant with multiple privacy and protection frameworks. FRA has tailored solutions for many challenging regulatory matters in a way that has satisfied all authorities involved.
Integrated Data & Technology
We employ data analytics in monitorships to provide rigorous and tailored testing of existing and newly implemented controls to assess their effectiveness with the ultimate goal being to provide recommendations and practical solutions to align governance and internal controls.
Monitorships of multinational companies also commonly involve identifying, collecting and transferring data across borders, creating the added complexity of handling large volumes of data in a manner compliant with multiple privacy and protection frameworks. FRA has tailored solutions for many challenging regulatory matters in a way that has satisfied all authorities involved.